Setting New Years Resolutions does little good for most people. We both know that right$%: So let's be realistic. But doesn't saying 'let's be realistic' sound almost crushing$%: As if our dreams and hopes for 2007 are not 'realistic', not likely to happen!
Well consider that Lenin was told his plans for taking over the country were not realistic. And he said 'so much the worse for reality'.
He had conviction. He had emotional dedication. So could emotional conviction and a dash of stubbornness be a major ingredient for being 'realistic'. I think so too.
Indeed we can accomplish more than might at first seem reasonable or realistic. And yet there are of course still boundaries to what we can do.
But if big 'impossible' dreams are really very possible, and emotional conviction makes them realistic, then how can you get strong emotional conviction about your 2007 New Years Resolutions$%:
Well on the one side you need a strong pain in your life that is emotionally motivating you away from something. What are the negative effects of not keeping each of your new years resolutions$%:
On the other hand you need a strong pleasure and reward and benefit for actually keeping the resolutions.
But now here's where most people go wrong. They don't have a plan. They are not really prepared to win with the resolution.
"The will to succeed is important, but what's more important is the will to prepare." - Bobby Knight
Did you catch that$%: Please get this. Are you prepared to keep your resolutions$%: I don't mean are you committed. I mean are you prepared 'with a plan'. Is the resolution set up like a project to be accomplished by ticking off action steps with little achievement milestones to keep track along with the way$%:
If not, then you're not prepared.
So I'll leave you with just one more quote:
"The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one." - Mark Twain
Success with your 2007 New Years Resolutions, especially in today's fast paced modern world, demands that you prepare each resolution, breaking it down into it's parts. And then, starting on the first one. Do them all until all are done.
Winning then becomes simple and you become powerful. Winning of course is so much fun.
Best wishes for a great 2007. And it's never too late to prepare your new years resolutions, no matter what month you read this article.